The Vietnam Institute For Arts Education (VIA Education) provides international education programs for music and performing arts, the latest and best research, curriculum and training for teachers and the highest quality materials and publications in order to raise the standard of music and performing arts education in Vietnam and build both a cutting edge and sustainable arts community.


Professional Development

Pedagogy (General Training)



Career Path

School Curriculum

Integrated Program

After-school Program

Other Programs

Exam Centre

Corporate Social Responsibility

All proceeds from our activities will go to our community project at AMPA Education. AMPA Education’s key focus is promoting creative education through the development of thousands of Dream Spaces across the country. These are rooms/arts hubs at schools in cities and provinces alike, where we will either build/renovate and provide equipment and the environment for students to be introduced to and be trained in the arts. Furthermore, with the implementation of a variety of projects in giving music and dance scholarships to less advantaged children, running music classes at different orphanages/shelters, providing arts donations in-kind, we are positive that the impact of creative education shall significantly impact our community.

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Partners Membership

By registering to be our members, you are entitled to our benefits with DETAILS

Collaboration​: a Hub where people can discuss
Publications​: Music books
Exam fees
Teacher training​ courses
Arts Education Matters presentation
E- bulletin (quarterly)
Charanga Platform
In-person professional learning​: Workshops, Conventions
Exhibition at Dream Space​
Arts experience events/concerts
The right to use international certifications brands owned by VIAE and support with marketing materials and designs​
Advertising on E-bulletin, website, FB, LinkedIn



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